CSHS SADD Falcons Buckle Up Campaign 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

As Spring Break Ends, M.I.A.H. Begins!

Although we are slowly adjusting back into school mode again after spring break, we are in full speed ahead on our exciting MIAH project (Make It A Habit). Let's take a quick look of what's cooking in our Falcons kitchen:

Tomorrow, we will conduct out first seatbelt count before school. 10 SADD members will be posted on all CSHS parking lot entrances, with 2 students on each station, and record the number of students wearing and not wearing seatbelts. This data will be our point of comparison to our second seatbelt count, which will be performed after prom and our MIAH campaign.

We are also looking forward to raise seatbelt use awareness to the middle school, especially to 7th and 8th graders. We have conversed with the principal and are happy to announce that Desert Arroyo Middle School will be joining us in making seatbelt use a habit! CSHS SADD will visit the middle school twice and deliver informational and memorable presentations to the middle schoolers about the importance of seatbelt use.

Concerning our publicity, we are grateful to be featured in CSHS PRESS and Falcon Flyer on the March edition. These allow us to reach all of the CSHS student body, faculty, and parents.
Our SADD President had also appeared on CSHS video announcements in attempt to further promote MIAH on campus.

Today, we will be discussing and finalizing our plans for the rest of the week. The CSHS Falcons shall retire to our nests early tonight since we have to be at our posts tomorrow by 7.10 AM for the seatbelt count!

We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing spring break!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Make It a Habit!

Hello! We are the Students Against Destructive Decisions team from Cactus Shadows High School in Cave Creek, Arizona.

Teens have the lowest rate of seatbelt use compared to those of other age groups. Approximately 10.2% of students have rarely or never worn a seatbelt while riding in a car driven by someone else. We are shocked by this statictic and puzzled at how this simple task of putting on a seatbelt is extremely difficult for some individuals to do. To us, putting on a seatbelt before driving is the equivalent to turning on the ignition before driving; it is a second nature. Therefore, we are here to infect the seatbelt habit to everybody.
First, we are going to start spreading the seatbelt plague at our school through seatbelt counts and car crash simulator. We will infect the elementary and middle schools next. With the help of our school newspaper, local newspaper, and media, we hope to promote seatbelt awareness from our school perimeter to our community.
So, buckle up and get ready to "Make It a Habit!"